AYWMC’s charitable and financial giving

Emma and the A Year With My Camera community support a variety of humanitarian and creative charities through community fundraising and direct giving. At January 2022 our combined giving amounts to £22,630 (over £57,000 if the Mindful Photography subscriptions are included).

May 2022: £100 to Arts Emergency in lieu of speaker fees for Glenys Garnett (a fabulous speaker - do book her if your camera club needs a jolt of inspiration).

February 2022: $771 to World Central Kitchen who provide hot meals on the ground at the Ukraine/Poland border. That’s $5 for each of the 147 people who signed up to Emma’s Beginner’s Photoshop Course that started 28 February.

January 2022 and annually: $450 to Faces Up, an arts-based NGO based in Kampala, to support one secondary school aged child for a year for school fees and meals. Donate here.

March 2021 and annually: we are a top-tier Patreon supporter of PhotoGrad, a site run by Melissa Belton to support and promote UK photography graduates.

November 2020 and annually: £1,000 donated and pledged for each year subsequently to Arts Emergency, a charity that mentors young people from underrepresented backgrounds in the arts industry.

June 2020: £1,000 donation to Creative Access (a social enterprise working with under-represented communities in the creative industries) as tangible support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

May 2020 and ongoing: £250 raised for NHS charities together through sales of AYWMC face coverings.

April 2020: 284 free subscriptions to Emma’s Mindful Photography course (£125 each; total value £35,500) given to keyworkers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

March 2020: £1,260 raised to send support direct to frontline healthcare workers in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

January 2020: £550 donated to the Australian bush fire relief fund, the profit from one day’s sales of AYWMC books.

February 2019: £1,000 raised from the sale of the first 200 copies of Emma’s book Beginner’s Landscape Photography - donated to Arts Emergency, a charity that is an alternative to the “old boys network”, mentoring disadvantaged young people wanting a career in the arts.

December 2019: £8,245 raised to deliver clean water with charity:water - project in the planning stages.

December 2018: £7,500 raised to bring clean water to a community in Ethiopia with charity:water.

Click to read more about the people we support



Arts Emergency

Arts Emergency

Creative Access

Creative Access

charity: water

charity: water

Faces Up, Uganda

NHS charities together

NHS charities together