AYWMC Class of September 2017

2,058 people have signed up to do the September 2017 free, online, beginner's photography workshop A Year With My Camera (bringing the total of all students to over 7,500).

Where we live

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I would love to be able to be able to pick up my camera, choose the correct settings without struggling and be proud of the image taken.
— AYWMC student

The cameras we use

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I want to create memories that others want to look at....instead of photos that just lack something.
— AYWMC student

Experience with shooting "off auto" on joining AYWMC

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I want to be able to take a photo that bears some resemblance to what I think I’m taking - that glorious sunset, dazzling rainbow, a riot of colour in a parade
— AYWMC student

Favourite subject matter

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I want to gain the confidence to take fewer photos and know that I’ve set the camera to take the image I have in mind.
— AYWMC student

The Class of September 2017 is already well under way. Minds are being blown, cameras are being understood and things are clicking into place. In another 3 weeks everyone will be shooting off auto, and ready to start the next module which explains the mysteries of expert photographic composition.

I’m finding this course is helping - I already see a difference in only 3 weeks.
— AYWMC student

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AYWMC starts 3 times a year, in January, April and September. Join here and you'll automatically be added to the next start date, and in the meantime you'll get a weekly email with plenty of photography tips to keep you busy. Register now and get started today:

Emma Davies