Make 30 Photos

#Make30Photos is a 30 day photo challenge with a twist; you don’t have to finish it in 30 days. Take as long as you like. The only requirement is to think about your photo before you take it — make it, don’t take it.

Share your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #make30photos.

If you’re doing the project as a warm-up for A Year With My Camera you can use any camera you like including your phone, and stay on auto mode if that’s what you’re most comfortable with. The idea at this stage is that you start to get used to looking for possible photos in lots of different situations rather than working on your technical skills at this stage.

There’s no right or wrong way to interpret the prompts. Do whatever comes to mind, or use a search engine for ideas if you get stuck.

Update: Prompt 3 (Urban) has been updated during the coronavirus lockdown to include the alternative, “Kitchen”.

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1: Fill frame with colour

2: Things in threes

3: Urban (or Kitchen)

4: Taken at midday

5: Abstract

6: Snail's eye view

7: Reflection

8: Lit by a window

9: Older than me

10: Food

11: Shadows

12: Plain background

13: Eyecatching

14: Behind the scenes

15: Pattern

16: Wildlife

17: Just 2 colours

18: Circles

19: Self portrait

20: Stripes

21: Weather

22: Hands

23: Depth

24: Vintage

25: Texture

26: My neighbourhood

27: Botanical

28: Water

29: Books

30: Diagonals


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This is the 2019 version of Make 30 Photos. The original list had a few prompts that were more advanced (shooting a silhouette for example). Since we started using the prompts as the warm-up exercise for A Year With My Camera we have tweaked it to make sure it is suitable for complete beginners. You can view the original version here.


Free beginner's photo workshop

My online photograph course, A Year With My Camera, is free by email. Join here and get started today:

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