Charity Water: new project launch

This time last year A Year With My Camera launched a project to bring clean water to a community that doesn’t have it. The AYWMC community exceeded the target before Christmas 2018, meaning our project in Ethiopia got underway in January of this year.

charity water 2018.jpg

The 2019 campaign launches today (details below), but first here’s an update on our Ethopia project.

6 month update

Our project in Ethiopia is at the community consultation stage. Watch this video from charity: water for more details (click here to view if it doesn’t display below):

Thank you to everyone who donated (many more than once) to our first project. The next update will be available early in 2020:


2019 project launch

Join the rest of the AYWMC community today to fund another clean water project for a community that currently has access only to dirty water, or has to walk hours to find clean water. These are the ways you can get involved:

1. Make a donation

During September I will match fund any donation over £30 (up to £1,000). If you can’t donate £30, please donate whatever you can, even £1. There are now more than 25,000 people signed up to the various AYWMC free emails - if everyone donated £1 we’d reach the target three times over by the end of the week.

2. Follow me on Instagram

If I get to 10,000 followers before the end of September I will donate £1,000 to the project. Tell your friends.

3. Amazon affiliate equivalent donation

In November I’ll do our annual list of best presents for photographers on Amazon. Amazon will give me up to a 6% affiliate income from purchases made through my links. It goes against Amazon’s terms to say I will donate this to charity. However, I will make an equivalent donation of at least the affiliate income I receive.

charity: water is an organisation that delivers 100% of all donations to the field. They have other donors that fund the admin and office. They work with on-the-ground organisations to ensure the projects funded are locally built and able to be maintained. (Please follow @NoWhiteSaviors for more information on why well-intentioned but poorly-managed giving and voluntourism does more harm than good.)

GeneralEmma Davies